I went to London again on Saturday, I was meeting up with a Sarah fan from Ontario Canada. I offered to show him around London a bit and hang out. It was a gorgeous day and it was nice walking around. Leicester Square, Piccadilly, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Horseguards Parade and towards Big Ben. At the Southbank there was the Thames festival and it was very lively. Street artists, vendors, food stalls, a beautiful day and great atmosphere. I made some photos again, I never get bored of taking them in this city. There are still things I have not seen or are in a different angle. I went inside St Pauls Cathedral for the first time, and that reminded me of the images of 1997 when I was in Italy working on a campsite and Diana's funeral was on. Now I finally saw the interior myself. I was surprised by how many young people were doing tours inside the cathedral. Interesting.

Blackfriars Bridge and St Pauls Cathedral in the back ground

St Pauls upclose

On Sunday I lazied around. I am trying to exercise and eat properly and since I have started it seems I cant stop saying the word food. Or Gym. I joined the local David Lloyds, a very expensice fitness center in between home and work, and am doing about an hour of exercise as often as I can in a week. So far I am doing ok, I do not like the Stairs exercise, but all others I am managing. It does make me feel good and energetic. I am asking everyone, incl online friends about healthy food, and wonder why I never bothered learning what is good or not. I feel so uneducated, or simply dumb on these matters. But I am getting there I think? My fridge-compartment has had a extreme makeover and now has lettuce, low fat yoghurt, vegetables, etc in it. I have started eating breakfast which I never really did. I am eating muesli and so far am liking it. My landlady Dorothy and her family are getting used to my new regime and are hiding their food from me.
I went to an Electronics Store with Dorothy, because I wanted her to have a look at digital camera's. She is going on holidays and would like a digital camera, so we browsed for some models. Then on to Tesco's for more low fat yoghurt, oh yeah baby!
I think all the exercise helps my mood and gives me distraction from things that are bothering me. So far so good!!