OK, I should be in bed catching up on sleep, but I know I have been very slack in keeping in touch with most of you. I got back from my trip to Canada and USA this morning. You all know how I feel about North America....
I left on my birthday Friday May 13th. I arrived early afternoon in Toronto where Amanda picked me up, and we drove back to her and her parents house. I had not been inside the house for more than 3 minutes and the electricity was down. I got 2 beautiful cakes and lots of candles and felt like I turned 10 instead of 27! It was wonderful and very delicious too. Amanda's parents gave me the new Dave Matthews CD+DVD which has been played a lot already, and is recommended! And a t-shirt from Cozumel HRC from Amanda, followed by a watch yesterday as I couldnt find any I liked. I spend the weekend around Hamilton ON. Went to the movies, to a reggae band. On Monday Sarah McLachlan was in Hamilton for her 2nd leg of the Afterglow Tour and I had arranged to meet up with some Murmurs fanclub members. It was lovely to meet with them and I wasnt the only one travelling to see Sarah. Over 5 years ago Silence by Delirium feat. Sarah McLachlan was a popular Dance track in Europe and Amanda introduced me to Sarahs solo music. Damage was done and since then I have been a fan of her talent. Finally I got to go see Sarah with Amanda and it was great..!!
The next day I had rented a car and drove to Montreal to attend the Sarah concert there with Isa a girl I met last September while I was travelling there and who I also know from Sarahs fanclub. We went to Quebec for the day and I got good practise in driving on Canadian and Quebec highways (believe me there is a difference!)
Via Sean Ashby (one of Sarahs guitarist) I had gotten Aftershow passes for the MTL show. It was very kind of him to make some time available to talk to us about his solo project Jack Tripper and as I had bought 2 of his CDs he signed them for me. Other bandmembers were also backstage and me and Isa managed to get stuff signed by Vince Jones (keyboard) Dave Kershaw (Keyboard/guitar) and patiently awaiting another fan getting a photo and the band getting ready to depart we got to meet Sarah who was so kind to have her photo taken and sign autographs for us! Just crazy!!
Next day a long drive back to Ontario, Amanda's mum had planned a StarWars
party. So we went to the cinema and had early VE day fireworks. On Sunday we
left for NYC by train. The journey was a bit too long for us though.. and
when we got to the hotel we booked we had a huge stress attack. We would
think that if something advertises for 2 stars it should be reasonable. It
was not even close to the worst hostel I have stayed in. I was too tired to
resist the bed though so passed out. The next day I made it my mission to
arrange new accommodation, because we couldnt enjoy NYC this way. We
strolled through Central park, over the Great lawn, passed the Jackie O
reservoir, watching the turtles and the castle. I think the only nice
weather we got was that afternoon! Scored 5th Avenue south of central park
which is where the shops are, and a guarantee to keep Amanda happy! Went to
Bloomingdales so I could phone the hotels and sorted one next to Madison
Square Garden, near Macy's, and the Empire state Building. very nice! In
the evening we went to a solo performance by one of Sarahs guitarists Luke
Doucet who played the NY Living Room. Some friends were there already, even
though we were very late, unfortunately only caught his last song, but spoke
to some bandmembers of the opening act and while I was refilling my glass
with Vodka redbull, I build up courage to talk to Luke and his fiancee/back
up singer Melissa McClelland. It was so easy talking to them, and I think
they were quite amused with my ramblings. I got a signed CD out of it for
which at first I didnt even pay. A few minutes later I had gained some
normalness again and I gave her the money. Lovely people, and I really
surprised myself with being so talkative to strangers! Got home safe! It was
amusing for everyone else, but I got home without any help!
Tuesday I am not sure what we did, but we went to see Sarah McLachlan in the
evening, with other people that I had met before in Ontario and Montreal.
Sarah was amazed and humbled to be playing MSG, and I must say it was pretty
crazy. Finished the night with a few drinks, and everyone's review of the
show in an Irish pub next to the hotel.
Wednesday? Hmm. More shopping I presume? Times Square. Trying to beat the
shopkeepers in getting prices down. I am not so good at that......Met with
one of Amanda's college friends Andrew who studies at NY University. He is
preparing his thesis and showed it to us. He does set and stage design,
which was really interesting to see. So much detail, and patience to work on
one show for so long! In the evening we met up with friends again, and went
to dinner. Later on my friend Kara joined. She and my brother went to the
same high school back in 1990 in the USA. I have visited her several times
in NYC. She happened to be there now, as she has moved back South. It was
wonderful to be able to see her and catch up in person. The night was young
and we felt we were too! Some great music was played, and it only got better
I think....Many vodka & Red Bull and other drinks later, we all stumbled
home again! Very drunk ! Cant get into too much details, but the next day
was pretty much a recovery. Managed to hit Times square around 6PM and
browse around Macy's before meeting Andrew again for a drink and chat at
Next morning up early for 12 hours back in the train to Ontario! We amused
eachother much better and had actually bought some food to survive this
journey. Watched the re-issued Fumbling Towards Ecstacy DVD and some
Desperate Housewives ( they just had their season finale!) and went to
Saturday we went shopping, as I wasnt too successful in NYC. I got my
birthday watch, some tops, pants and a new sweater. In the evening we saw
Crash, a movie with a.o. Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, Ryan Phillipe, Don
Cheadle. very good actually!
Sunday we took the dog for a walk and when we got back there was a family
invasion from American cousins from Pennsylvania. Lovely people and wonderful conversation incl Middle East/Political topics. Had
some of the famous home made burgers of Stan and got my nails done!! Such a
girlie?!?! And I was driven to the airport for the 7th time by my Canadian
hosts. Mum and dad stopped doing that a few years back! What can I say; I love Canada, I love Canadians. They have been so good to me.
I guess you can say not your typical holiday, but it is nice to do every day
things and holiday trips with a friend that lives so far away. And to meet
up with so many other people as well! WOW!

Sarah Saying Goodbye in MSG NYC

Luke and Co playing the Living Room in NYC

Luke Doucet, Sarahs guitarist in MTL

Sarah in Montreal during IWRY

Sarah McLachlan during Answer in Hamilton May 16th 2005

Sarah during Fumbling!!!! My favourite

Sarah McLachlan May 16th 2005 looking like Icecream?!

Sarah McLachlan in Hamilton May 16 2005

Sarah McLachlan during Answer in Hamilton May 16th 2005

Sarah McLachlan during Wait in Hamilton May 16th 05

Meeting Sarah for the 2nd time, this time after the show in Montreal!

Quebec city

Taking Makawe out for a walk!

My Birthday with Amanda and her father!

John /ASM - ISA- Me and Amanda