I came accross that line today and felt it was so applicable to me currently. In regards of my job, my frame of mind and a cause I have found to put my shoulders under and make a difference.
Back in 1998, when I was on holidays in South Africa I met a lady called Irma. She was looking after two abandoned orphans. Beautiful cheeky little boys. I remember one would come up to me and put his hand on my belly and saĆ½; "Fat Tummy". Obviously a bit insulted at first,(even though he was right) I found out that he had been in another foster family with a lady who was pregnant. He and his little brother received so much love from Irma and her kids, you could see the difference it made for these 2 boys.
Fast Forward to 2005. Although I havent been in touch frequently with Irma over the last 6 years, we have been emailing the last few weeks. She now has an official Safe House for Abandoned Children called Tzadokah Home and currently 8 children are in her care ranging from 2-9 years old.
WOW. WOW because there is not a lot of subsidy from the South African governement and Irma does her work voluntarily. She has been receiving help from locals & foreigners, some of them have adopted children that were in her care. If any of you that know me would like to make a contribution to this beautiful initiative the Dutch part of Tzadokah is an official charity and send monies received on their bank account every 2 months over to Tzadokahs account in South Africa. These funds pay for example for food, nappies, clothing, electricity and other essential parts of keeping Tzadokah make a difference to abandoned children. ABN/AMRO
FAO Tzadokah Home - c/o E.E. v/d Molen
Of course any other donations are welcome as well! Tzadokah can always use good condition childrens clothing, toys, drawing books etc.
Tzadokah Home
FAO Irma van Rooyen
PO Box 77,
Somerset Mall,
Republic of South Africa
Or email me and I can provide more information, legal backup, newsletters etc.
...:Things Will Only Change if We Change Them:...