I unexpectedly visited Holland again, after having only been back in the UK after the Xmas holidays for 11 days. My mums brother passed away and I wanted to attend the service.... It was very beautiful, even the mass was very touching with African gospel. I stayed for 5 days and while I was there I also visited my grandmother, I always try to see her when I am in Holland and while driving around with my dad we stopped by. Its been years since I had a photo taken with her, so see here the result!
I also watched my friend Anita play a game of
Korfbal. It was a game between the number 1 &2 and was really exciting. I enjoyed watching a good game again!
For a change I had taken the Eurostar via Bruxelles, which was a bit more relaxing than the plane, and cheaper too. I also got a new passport, no more short hair on my photo identity!!
Hopefully the next few weeks, months will be a bit less hectic than the previous. I feel since the summer live has lived me and I only now start re-emerging from it all. Oh.... I have some recommendations for you out there; The Zahir a book by Paulo Coelho, and Kate Bush' new double CD, Aerial.( esp songs;Disc 1.... 5, How To Be Invisible and Disc 2....5, Sunset...... Enjoy!
A photo I took yesterday; Byfleet & New Haw Station, soon real excitement should be back in my life!!!!!!!!