Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Australia Day and more

Can you see it? The light stripe is supposed to be the comet McNaught... I was hoping it would be a little bit clearer, like on the Spaceweather site.

Ofcourse,..... fireworks to clebrate Australia Day. Followed by a F18 - fuel dump which looked like we were going to be invaded, very cool!

Australia Day in Darling Harbour.

Trying out my camera's functions! The Opera House!

We went to a free a concert at the Domain. Sydney-siders love fireworks and this co-incided with the last tunes of the concert being Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, commemorating the unsuccessful French invasion into Russia, and the subsequent devastating withdrawal of Napoleon's Grande Armée, an event that marked 1812 as the major turning point of the Napoleonic Wars. The work is best known for the sequence of cannon fire, which is sometimes performed, especially at outside festivals, using real cannon.... GREAT!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy 2007 from Sydney!

Fireworks over Sydney
Harbour Bridge will celebrate 75 years in 2007