Sunday, January 29, 2006

On a Saturday afternoon

London looked stunning today, hardly a cloud in the sky.... a wintersun shining and just lots of people out and about enjoying a nice day. I caught up with my friend Chloe and one of her friends and we met up at the Tate Modern, the Southbank area is one of my favourites in London, it gives so many beautiful views..... Later we met her best friend and went out for a nice Indian meal. Great conversation and distraction from the hectic of late.

Apparently according to my collegue Kushan tonight there was a special CSI- Las Vegas...episode directed by Quentin Tarantino.... I am very curious about it and I will find out on Monday! I have a real soft spot for the serie...

Oh and it was Sarah McLachlans Birthday today!!! Happy 38th! I found a very useful link with up to date info on her as well! Its HERE Below a photo I took in Brisbane May 2004

Oh a quote I came accross today!

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass by. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

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